Android Projects
SimpleBanner – Library
May 2019
A Simple library that adds a banner used to help debugging to the top of the content view of all activities within an Android app.
Pixel Sky Live Wallpaper
Aug 2018
A Pixel/Retro style live wallpaper with several options including process speed and custom colour plates, currently released on the google play store in beta.
Things Snake
May 2018
An Android Things project to play “snake” on a custom-made display running on a raspberry pi 3. This integrated remote control functionality by another Android device using Google Nearby.
Sceneform Video
Oct 2018
A demo project using Android Scenform/Arcore which uses image recognition and tracking to perform object placement and video overlaying in AR. This was then developed into the AR video function in the Hermes app.
Sushi Plate Calculator
November 2017
Sushi Plate Calculator is a mostly useless app i made to employ a number of Android libraries and Architectures, (100%) Kotlin , Room (Database for plates and saving) RxJava/Android 2, MVP, Dagger 2 and A high coverage of Unit and Automated UI testing.
July 2014 - July 2015
Tracks is an Android App, a desktop server and an Arduino. Its logs and encrypts information as you travel (including heart rate) so that it can be displayed within Google maps.
Simply Translate
July 2012 – September 2012, March 2013
A simple words to pictures translator.
GW2 Karma
March 2013
I custom calculator for use with Guild Wars 2 to calculate the currency “Karma” within the game.
GW2 Reddit Reader
February 2013
I news aggregator that fetches .rss information from reddit to display news articles from reddit.
3d Printing
Band (Myst) Amulet
June 2016
This was designed and printed for the band Myst as an amulet for their first EP launch.
In total 127 where printed in PLA (50 Glow in the Dark, 50 White, 27 Black)
Dremel 300 Jig for Openforge Tiles
February 2016
A mount for a Dremel 300 to give exact and repeatable holes into OpenForge tile using a 3mm drill bit
Ormerod 2 fan duct
December 2015
This is a Ormerod 2 fan duct redirector i made to use the leftover fan power on the extruder to help cool the prints.
Printed Bristol Zoo Walnut
March 2016
Printed for a volunteer gorilla puzzle at Bristol Zoo.
Electronics Projects
- Coffee TV Table Project
- Dead tablet resurrection
- Portable N64
- Bluetooth Headphone repair
- Apple Mac 2006 case ATX modification