Personal Details
- Android:
- Three years of academic education and a number of years in industry.
- Kotlin working on a number of project some entirely Kotlin since before its official support in Android in early 2017, XML including constraint layout with animations.
- Git, Jira, Azure DevOps (VSTS), Dagger 2 DI, Koin, Junit, Mockito, Robolectric, Espresso, SQLBrite, Room, Rxjava, Coroutines, RetroFit, Apollo and OkHTTP and other Jetpack Components
- MVP, MVVM, MVI, clean Architecture
- Development:
- Methodologies – Agile, Kanban, Sprint, Waterfall projects
- IDEs – Eclipse, xCode and Android Studio.
- CI Systems – Jenkin, Bitrise GitHub Actions
- Other – JavaScript, Node, Handlebars, AWS Lambda, Designing Swagger API’s, Dart (Flutter) and Rust
- Operating systems – Windows, Mac OS X, Linux (Backtrack) and VPS Ubuntu servers.
- MS Office – Word, PowerPoint, Excel and Outlook.
- Specialised Software –VMWare, Notepad++, Filezilla, Charles proxy, Fiddler and Postman as well as Forensic tools such as WinHex, EnCase, FTK and Packet sniffers.
Sainsbury’s, London — Senior Android Engineer, OCT 2020 – Present
Here I maintain and build the main Sainsbury’s groceries app. When starting my role here, I transformed the core architecture of the app, rebuilding many of its core elements and features. I planned out the project technical debt and future technical roadmap and led and implemented modulization, clean architecture, atomic design and modern Jetpack frameworks like Navigation Component, Data Storage.
I’ve worked on a number of areas of the app including completely rebuilding Authentication with OAuth services, delivery slot functionality, Nectar offers, new checkout, substitutions Etc.
I mentored others in my team, taking a leading role in developing our internal processes and technical implementations.
Mediabrands UK, Remote — Android Consultant, AUG 2020 – OCT 2020
A short-term contract role working with third a party company (SEA) to support a TFL project for parking enforcement “PES”.
In this role I supported handing over the existing project by maintaining, correcting and updating the project, consulting on pen tests and training other developers in Android Development by designing and delivering a training program (including workshops, presentations and documentation).
Huma, London — Senior Android Developer, SEPT 2019 – JUNE 2020
A medical company building mobile solutions for monitoring and capturing a user’s health metrics. Here, I worked on a number of internal and external projects, working both independently directly with clients and in larger cross functional teams building core projects.
The solutions I built were data driven, implemented clean architecture and had a large number of modules for different features, including technical implementations to capture a user’s heart rate from a camera, using the camera to measure a user’s dimensions and integrating with many device sensors to record a user vital signs.
Development in this field required a strong focus on testing, with robust continuous integration, strict agile development process and documentation.
Mubaloo – Senior Android Developer & Technical Architect, Sept 2016 – Sept 2019
A mobile agency where I worked on Agile, Waterfall and support projects in many different industries; banking and investment, public transport, internal processing, and public facing entertainment apps (further information available on request). I gained experience working independently, in large teams across the company and directly with clients.
I performed several roles outside of development for some of our largest clients: Strategy (User Story creation, discovery), QA (test scripts) and technical architecture building technical documentation (API specs, app and service infrastructure and more).
I mentored others in my team, taking a leading role in developing internal processes. I also represent other employees by championing and actioning employee ideas at an improvement committee.
Along with Android I have worked on chat bot projects (AWS Lambdas, Dialog-Flow, JS etc.), our CI solution and supporting sites. Also actively learning Dart/Flutter, Rust and introductory iOS development.
Simply App, Bristol — Android Developer 2012
I started a company with university peers to build and create Android apps for public and private clients. I designed app mock-ups (including designs, functions, storylines, UML), coded and designed apps, editorialised and deployed apps to market, researched markets and built the company’s website.
Children’s Hospice South West, 2016
Here I worked in a supporting shop working on the tills, look after the floor, sort through donations and put them on the shop floor in the support of life limited children.
Bristol Zoo, 2010 & 2016
Here i taught customers of the Zoo about the animals with information such as their names, where they were from and other such information, i also helped look after the animals. These animals included lorikeets, butterflies, lemurs, wallabies and gorillas.
Penny Brohn, 2010
Penny Brohn was a charity that I was very passionate for; I volunteered collecting coins with a team around Bristol at a number of different events.
Computer Forensics BSC(Hons) 1st
University of the West of England, 2010 – 2014
Final Year Project (Mobile logging accessory: Tracks)
Networking BTEC National Diploma
City of Bristol College, 2008 – 2010
Triple Distinction with honours, UCAS 360
Awarded a BCS membership
Pc Servicing and Network Maintenance
City of Bristol College 2007 – 2008
Merit OCR Level 2 in Customer Support.
Computer Aided Design (CAD)
City of Bristol College, 2006 – 2008
- AutoCAD 2D1&3 Foundation & Advanced
- AutoCAD 3D1&3 Foundation & Advanced
City and Guild:
- 2D AutoCAD level 2&3
- 3D AutoCAD level 2&3
- CAD Autodesk Inventor
Over the last year I have taken an interest in indoor climbing after being introduced by a friend. I have found this to be a great social activity as well as a boost in fitness. In the future I hope to further this interest taking climbing outdoors to new challenges.
3D printing
Since 2014 I have had a RepRapPro Ormerod 2 printer and have printed many different things, such as DnD pieces, sculptures and some parts of my own design. This has allowed me to refresh my skills in newer CAD software and see my designs come to life.
Electronics Projects
In my spare time I always like to have some time of project going. I have made a coffee Table with a built in TV and PC to play board games on also as a showpiece.
Final Year Project 1st (70 marks)
Tracks is an Android App, a desktop server and an Arduino. Its logs and encrypts information as you travel (including heart rate) so that it can be displayed within Google maps. Full info:
1st year
- Introductions To Program Development
- Systems Development
- Computer Systems
- Computer Crime and Digital Evidence
- Informing & communicating in practice
- Analytical Modelling
2nd Year
- Software Design
- Computer Network and operating Systems
- Data, Schemas and Applications
- Client-Server Programing
- Computer Security and Forensic Tools
- Science in court
4th year
- Computing Project
- Professional, Legal & commercial Issues
- Forensic Computing Practice
- Cryptography and coding Systems
- Computer and Network Security
- Advanced Systems Administration
Personal Statement
I am an accomplished senior Android developer and architect with extensive experience in building, integrating, testing, and supporting Android apps.
I am a hardworking individual who works exceptionally well in projects fuelled by my efficiency, dedication and organisational skills.